Monday, March 14, 2011

Nuclear Physics Challenge Project

My team is doing our Nuclear Physics Challenge Project on Radiation Therapy.

I will complete the report, with Luke and Ellisha adding their ideas into the report. We all helped proofread and make appropriate adjustments to make the report more powerful.

Ellisha is finding the important points within our report to make the fact sheet, which will highlight the main points demonstrated within both our report and PowerPoint.

Luke will create the PowerPoint, with help from Ellisha and myself. The PowerPoint will be based on the report we created on Radiation therapy. We will discuss together the specific information that we wish to include in our PowerPoint, and will discuss the specific visuals and videos that will be included as well.

Our demonstration/activity will be a collaborative effort, with all of our ideas being considered in creating a powerful and appropriate demonstration. We will all participate in the presentation.